How to combat the counterfeit money problem
The Counterfeit Money Gap: Why Technology Is Bad for Business Counterfeit money is a problem that is facing all businesses today. Businesses are forced to monitor their cash balances and track cash transactions to make sure that no one is getting ripped off. When you think about it, cash is the ultimate counterfeit money trap. If you’re not equipped with the right technology, you’re in danger of having your cash flow limited and your business deflated. The good news is that you don’t have to deal with the bad kind of counterfeit cash. If you have the right technology in place, you can get your business back on track and keep money flowing where it’s supposed to be. Read on to learn more about the counterfeit money problem, understand the role of technology in combating it, and how you can help your business succeed again. What is the counterfeit money problem? A counterfeit money transaction is when an honest person uses another person’s money to pay for ...